Belgrade, Niš and Novi Sad

Smile design is a concept developed to evaluate the positions of the teeth in the mouth, their sizes, their relationships with each other and with other structures such as lips and gums, and then present the most suitable smile to the person through various arrangements.

Why is Smile Design Necessary?

Each tooth has its own unique morphology, size, position, angle and color. During oral development or later for any reason, these characteristics of the tooth may have deviated from the values they should naturally have. This affects the person physically, psychologically and socially, such as impaired chewing functions, looking older than he/she is, wanting to hide his/her smile, hesitating to show his/her teeth while talking, to a degree that may not be noticed at first, but may reduce the quality of life over time. In such a case, the factor causing this situation must first be eliminated, then which structures and which teeth are most affected by this situation must be determined and a treatment plan must be drawn up for the necessary corrections.

The most important thing that distinguishes smile design from other aesthetic approaches such as conventional porcelain veneers and orthodontic treatment is that not only the teeth are evaluated, but also other factors such as lips and gums are taken into account, while the patient is in a normal position, speaking and laughing, in the most natural and most beautiful way without compromising function. is to obtain a good appearance.

How to Make a Smile Design?

Smile design is not a simple procedure that can be completed in just one session, but is a treatment that takes a long time and requires a holistic and often multidisciplinary approach. In smile design, a design should be made with an artistic approach by considering the person’s character, daily life, profession, functions such as speech, facial expressions and laughter.

When you consult your doctor for smile design, first a detailed examination is performed and photographs are taken from different positions and angles. Intraoral measurements are taken with conventional and digital systems. Then, your doctor informs you of the missing points and decides with you what kind of appearance you want. At this point, models created with photographs and measurements come into play. It shows you this appearance both on the model and through the computer program and presents you what appearance you will get after the treatments are completed. Meanwhile, the models and designs created can be transferred to the mouth without touching the patient’s teeth using the mock-up technique, and the final appearance can be shown. In addition, it can be easier and healthier for the patient to make changes and requests about the form of the teeth.

Following these stages, a treatment plan is created. Within the framework of this planning, model analysis and the patient’s opinions, which teeth will be treated is determined and the treatment is started after the patient’s approval is obtained. In smile design, the following treatments can be applied alone or in combination with several treatment options:

-Orthodontic treatment
-Aesthetic dental filling
-Porcelain coating (Porcelain Lamina or Porcelain Crown)
-Lip filler
-Treating gums
-Botulinum toxin application

One of the most important advantages of smile design is that the doctor-patient collaborates to exchange ideas and the patient becomes a part of the treatment. In this way, before starting the treatment, a consensus will be reached on what kind of appearance will be achieved, and some changes that the patient may want will be made to obtain an appearance that the patient will be satisfied with.

What is the difference between Smile Design and Traditional Methods?

In traditional practices, after the teeth to be treated with ceramics are prepared in the mouth, measurements are taken and sent to dental ceramists to wait for a result. But the result to be obtained here is left to the imagination of the dental ceramist. Because the ceramist does not have any references. It will be just a coincidence that the new teeth prepared without reference will satisfy the patient. If you are not satisfied afterwards, the changes, adaptations and heat treatments made on these ceramics will eventually cause deterioration in the physical structure of the ceramics.

For this reason, dental ceramists need to see the patient’s face shape, smile, lip structure, eyes, nose, the position of the teeth in the mouth, soft tissues (gums) with photographs and analyze the most appropriate procedure with the physician. By evaluating patient requests along with these references, an aesthetic and functional design that best suits the patient should be made in the digital environment.

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